Have you renewed your membership?

Bob Thompson out and about and representing the Clan.

Bob Thompson out and about and representing the Clan.

Met up with a fellow Clan Thompson member over the weekend at a friend’s party. It was a great time, with music, food, drink, and great fellowship. But in the conversation, he mentioned that he didn’t remember renewing his membership in the Clan this year.

Mary Thompson, our valiant and resourceful Secretary, sends out renewals, but it’s easy to lose track of them or forget to follow up. So here’s another reminder to renew today. (HINT: If you haven’t joined, then it’s definitely past time to do that.) Pop by the web site today and make sure your membership is up-to-date.

Clan Thompson International does so many things for us, and a lot of it depends on faithful volunteers, who give thousands of hours of their time to support the restoration of our noble history. But parts of it still take money, and a large portion of that comes from the membership dues. Won’t you take a moment today to join or renew? It’s a great way to support your Clan and all the efforts these people have made on your behalf.

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