Hello Clan Thompson Colorado! And especially our new friends from recent festivals! We have been very gratified by the successful conclusion of another festival season in Colorado, with the recent gatherings in Estes Park and Edgewater. We begin our year in April with Colorado Tartan Day and finish up in September with the Longs Peak games, the biggest in this part of the country, and then wind down with Edgewater, one of the smallest, but most enjoyable.
We are very glad to have made contact with a number of new people over the summer and into the fall. If this is your first e-mail from Clan Thompson Colorado, don’t worry, I only send out 6 or 7 messages a year and we never sell your address to anyone.
You showed your interest in Clan Thompson by attending an event and signing up on our contact list. Now it’s time for the next step. Click here and officially join the clan. Your dues provide you with a number of member benefits, such as discounts on Clan merchandise and several issues of a really nice newsletter, but they also support the organization in our efforts to get out the word about Clan Thompson’s proud history. And for those of you who have been around for a few years and haven’t yet joined, what are you waiting for? Show your support for the only organization officially recognized by the Lord Lyon as representing the name Thom(p)son.
As we conclude our festival season, I also wanted to invite you to a special event for Border Clans, hosted by our friends from Clan Elliott. It’s a simple lunch gathering at an excellent British pub in downtown Denver. Deck out in your regalia (or not, if you please) and join us for some borderer fellowship and fun. See the message below and RSVP to Carolyn Elliott <carolynelliott1515@ gmail.com> by October 6. We look forward to seeing you there.
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Carolyn Elliott <carolynelliott1515@ gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,Let’s get together for some fun and lunch to celebrate our Border Scot ancestry! Let your members know right away…Who: All Border Scots and friendsWhat: LunchWhere: Pints Pub (http://www.pintspub.com/)221 West 13th AvenueDenver 80204(parking is across the street)(near the Denver Art Museum)When: Saturday, October 8th11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.How: Each will pay for his/her own meal and beveragePlease have those attending e-mail me no later than Thursday, October 6th so I may let Pints Pub know how many will be attending, so they can set up.Aye!